“From a Buck 6” was part of Bob Dylan’s phenomenal 1965 output that featured two albums, “Bringing It All Back Home” and “Highway 61 Revisited.” I believe that the impact of the 20 songs on these albums was not and has never been equaled by any artist and contributed greatly to Dylan’s winning of the 2016 Nobel Prize in Literature. The original recording featured Mike Bloomfield of the great Paul Butterfield Blues Band on guitar, the very influential Al Kooper on organ, as well as studio veterans Harvey Brooks on bass and Bobby Gregg on drums. Steve Jobs once said that this was his favourite track of all time.
Any artist must recognize those that came before. When Dylan plugged in an electric guitar in 1965 and alienated all the folk purists, most notably Pete Seeger, he showed that many of his influences came from Rock ‘n Roll. My arrangement of the piece owes quite a lot to one of my big influences, Chuck Berry and especially his great 1959 single “Memphis Tennessee.”
Richard Séguin – voice, acoustic and electric guitars, electric bass and MIDI guitar (B3 organ)
Roch Tassé – drums
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